As all orders for 2024 have already been booked, please find below the new Price List for 2025 :


Configuration 4C : £8490
Classic FAIRCHILD 670 mkII with Original input and output transformers.

Configuration 5S : £7490
Standard FAIRCHILD 670 mkII with
Original input transformer and a POM AUDIO DESIGN hand wound output transformers.

Configuration 6C : £6990
Clone/Replica FAIRCHILD 670 mkII with a made in USA clone
 input transformer and a POM AUDIO DESIGN hand wound output transformers.

Configuration 6H : £8290
Hybrid FAIRCHILD 670 mkII with a made in USA clone
 input transformer and the original output transformers.

Available Options on the FAIRCHILD 670 mkII :

- a) Standard front Panel, with h
ard-wearing silk textured finish : Free
(See : Options : Front Panel Finish for details)

- b) Black Anodised Brushed Aluminium front Panel : £60
(See : Options : Front Panel Finish for details)

- c) Custom front or back engraving : Free
(See : Options : Engraving for details)

- d) Custom Release times possible :
(Please let me know )

- e) Custom Insert Send and Return on the Side Chain :
(See: Option: Side Chain Inserts for details)

- f) Custom Variable Release on Position 3 : £250
(See: Option : Variable Release on Position 3 for details)

- g) 3 position Attack Mod :
(See: Photos 670 mkII with Attack and Release for details)